The Neema Group Multifamily Legislation Webcast Clip

| Homeowners


Extreme price control advocates are all over city hall almost weekly demanding as close as you can get to the elimination of private property rights.” 

We would like to share an urgent message from the Senior Vice President of the California Apartment Association, Fred Sutton, requesting all property owners to take legislative action to protect their property rights.

If you are curious about the proposed legislation regarding rent freezes, right of private action, and right to purchase – please listen to this call and follow the action steps Fred reviews at the end of the clip.

A huge thank you to Fred for bringing this dire message to our clients and for his active involvement in moving legislation forward to protect LA apartment owners.

This clip is from our May 28th Webcast. Our next webcast will be discussing legislation in California and what landlords can do to protect their rights and their assets — stay tuned!

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